Elements of Thermal Physics

5th Edition

James P. Wolfe
eISBN-13: 9780738088303

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Assuming familiarity with first-year chemistry and mechanics courses, this book introduces the concepts of entropy and free energy to understand many great problems such as engine efficiency; paramagnetism; chemical equilibrium and phase transitions; elasticity in polymers and protein folding; molecular binding to surfaces and biomolecules; thermal radiation and global warming; and electronic properties of semiconductors.

Knowledge of basic calculus (simple derivatives and integrals) is assumed, and numerous problems are provided with solutions. In addition to its 14 Chapters, the 5th Edition includes 10 Appendices, providing additional support for upper-division courses that rely on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.

Sold By Hayden-McNeil
ISBNs 9780738088303
Publish Year 2013
Language English
Number of Pages 243
Edition 5th